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start [2024/02/14 13:36] Jan Forman
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 +^  IT UNSORTED {{fa>laptop}} ^^^^
 +| [[computers|Computers]] | [[windows|Microsoft Windows hints]] | -> **[[linux|Linux hints]]** | [[cryptography|Cryptography]] |
 +| [[linux:dns|DNS]] | [[adblock|AdBlock]] | [[kalilinux|Kali Linux]] | [[linux:bugs|Critical Bugs / Exploits]] |
 +| [[openmanage|Dell OpenManage in Linux]]| [[openvpn|OpenVPN]] | [[linux:windows|Linux under Windows]] | [[windows:gamepad|Gamepad]] |
 +| [[java|JAVA]] | [[wifi|WIFI]] | [[linux:ispconfig|ISPConfig]] | [[microcloud|Micro Cloud]] |
 +^  DATABASES {{fa>database}} ^^^^
 +| -> **[[oracle|Oracle hints]]** | [[mariadb|MariaDB / MySQL hints]] | [[postgresql|PostgreSQL]] | [[cassandra|Cassandra]] |
 +| [[scylladb|ScyllaDB ]]| [[sql|Simple Query Language]] | [[sqlite|SQLite + Spatialite]] | [[citus|CitusData]] |
 +^  INTEGRATION {{fa>rss}} ^^^^
 +| [[wso2|WSO2 Hints]] | [[loadbalancing|Loadbalancing]] | [[api|API]] | [[microservices|Microservices]] |
 +| [[wso2:iot|WSO2 IoT]] | [[xslt|XSLT]] | [[synapse|Synapse ESB]] | [[architecture|Enterprise Architecture]] |
 +| [[mqtt|MQTT]] | | |
 +^  STORAGE {{fa>hdd-o}} ^^^^
 +| [[storage:lvm|LVM]] | [[storage:readynas|ReadyNAS 5.x]] | [[linux:softraid|Linux SoftRAID]] | [[linux:samba|Samba]] |
 +| [[ssd|SSD]] | [[synology|Synology DSM]] | [[rsync|RSYNC Server]] | [[storage:technology|Technology]] |
 +| [[storage:Calculators|RAID Calculators]] | [[storage:ceph|CEPH]] | [[format:Format]] | [[storage:Nextcloud]] |
 +| [[storage:Legacy]] | [[storage:S3]] | [[storage:smr]] ||
 +^  NETWORKING {{fa>wifi|Networking}} ^^^^
 +| [[networking:tomatousb|TomatoUSB]] | [[networking:pfsense|pfSense]] | [[linux:iptables|Iptables]] | [[linux:bond|Bonding 802.3ad LACP]] |
 +| [[networking:sshtunnel]] |||
 +^  PROGRAMMING {{fa>keyboard-o}} ^^^^
 +| [[programming:git|GIT]] | [[programming:fpdf|FPDF]] | [[programming:php|PHP]] | [[programming:validators|Validators]] |
 +| [[programming:java|JAVA]] | [[programming:unixtime|UNIXTIME]] | [[programming:html|HTML5]] | [[programming:jquery|jQuery]] |
 +| [[programming:bash|BASH]] |||
 +^  GIS {{fa>globe}} ^^^^
 +| [[arcgisserver|ArcGIS Server for Linux]] | [[geoserver|Geoserver]] | [[arcmap|ArcGIS for Desktop]] | [[arcsde| ArcSDE]] |
 +| [[KML|Google KML]]| [[etrs89|ETRS89 Transform]] | [[openstreetmap|OpenStreetMap]] | [[gis:postgis|PostGIS]] |
 +^  ANDROID {{fa>android|ANDROID}} ^^^^
 +| [[android:mediatek|MediaTek MTK Tuning]] | [[lte|LTE Speed]] | [[android:lineageos|LineageOS]] | [[android:okgoogle|OK Google]] |
 +^  VIRTUALIZATION {{fa>server}} ^^^^
 +| [[proxmox|PROXMOX]] | [[openvz|OpenVZ / PROXMOX]] | [[lxc|LXC / PROXMOX]] | [[netxms|NetXMS Agent]] |
 +| [[proxmoxgpu|PROXMOX CUDA]] | [[openstack|OpenStack]] | [[virtualization|Virtualization Compare]] | [[kubernetes|Kubernetes]] |
 +^  DRONES {{fa>plane}} ^^^^
 +| [[drone:czechrules|Drone / Quadcopter (česky)]] | | |
 +^  VIDEO {{fa>video-camera}} ^^^^
 +| [[video:recordinghints|Video recording hints]] | [[video:neuralupscale|Neural Upscale]] | [[streaming|Live Streaming]] | [[video:encoding|FFMPEG encoding hints]] |
 +| [[video:smarttv|Smart TV API]] | [[4k|4K, HDR, Dolby Vision]] | [[colorcalibration|Color Calibration]] |  |
 +^  ELECTRONICS {{fa>microchip}} ^^^^
 +| [[atxpower|ATX Power]] | [[capacitors|Capacitors]] | [[batteries|Batteries]] | [[meterprecision|Meter Precision]] |
 +| [[sdr|SDR]] | [[hdaudiorush|HD Audio Rush]] | | |
 +^  OTHERS {{fa>sort}} ^^^^
 +| [[virtualreality|Ritech RIEM3]] | [[audigy2zs|Creative Audigy2 ZS]] | [[softskills|Softskills (česky)]] | [[hepa|HEPA filters]] |
 +| [[gpslogger|GPS Logger]] | [[hw:speed|HW Speed]] | [[snmp|SNMP MIB]] | [[gdpr|GDPR]] |
 +| [[audio:start|Right Mark Audio]] | [[amd|AMD AM3+ FX CPU]] |  |  |
 +^  INTERNET OF THINGS {{fa>thermometer-half}} ^^^^
 +| [[iot|ESP8266 Basics]] | [[iot:ds18b20|D18B20 Temp Sensor]] | [[raspberrypi|Raspberry PI]] | [[iot:spz|Licence Plate]] |
 +| [[iot:gree|Gree / Sinclair HVAC]] |
 +^  LINKS {{fa>link}} ^^^^
 +| [[|Netflix TechBlog]] | [[|]] | | |
 +^  BLOCKLISTS {{fa>ban}} ^^^^
 +| | | [[modsecurity]] |
 +**This is my quick remarks, they change rapidly and can be wrong, you are using it at your own risk!**
start.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/14 13:37 by Jan Forman