Minimum number of running nodes are 2 (otherwise writes are not possible), so 3 or more nodes total is absolutely minimal deployment.
“Cassandra timeout during read query at consistency TWO (2 responses were required but only 1 replica responded)”
PRIMARY KEY (a): The partition key is a. PRIMARY KEY (a, b): The partition key is a, the clustering key is b. PRIMARY KEY ((a, b)): The composite partition key is (a, b). PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c): The partition key is a, the composite clustering key is (b, c). PRIMARY KEY ((a, b), c): The composite partition key is (a, b), the clustering key is c. PRIMARY KEY ((a, b), c, d): The composite partition key is (a, b), the composite clustering key is (c, d).
In a situation of COMPOSITE primary key, the “a” of the key is called PARTITION KEY (in this example a is the partition key) and the second part of the key is the CLUSTERING KEY (b)
5TB on one node
commitlog file on another disk
cqlsh ip 9042
CREATE KEYSPACE Excelsior WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3}; CREATE KEYSPACE Excalibur WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1' : 1, 'DC2' : 3} AND durable_writes = false;
ALTER KEYSPACE Excelsior WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 4};
describe keyspaces;
use {keyspace_name}; describe tables;
use {keyspace_name}; describe table {table_name};
CREATE TABLE positions ( bucket int, idSap ascii, kodSlozka ascii, VolaciZnak varchar, CasAktualizace int, rychlost int, lat double, lon double, PRIMARY KEY (bucket,CasAktualizace,idSap) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (CasAktualizace ASC, idSap ASC);
bucket = year + week
CREATE INDEX idSap ON nis.positions (idSap);
experimental: true → scylla.yaml
Turn off consistency check
<property name="consistencyLevel">ANY</property> <-- write <property name="consistencyLevel">ONE</property> <-- read
<data enableBatchRequests="true" name="cassandra" serviceNamespace="positions" transports="http"> <config enableOData="false" id="cassandra"> <property name="cassandraServers"></property> <property name="keyspace">nis</property> <property name="clusterName">hzspk</property> <property name="consistencyLevel">ONE</property> </config> <query id="status" useConfig="cassandra"> <expression>SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM nis.positions;</expression> <result element="status" rowName="positions"> <element column="count" name="count" xsdType="integer"/> </result> </query> <query id="read" useConfig="cassandra"> <expression>SELECT idsap,kodslozka,volaciznak,casaktualizace,rychlost,lat,lon FROM nis.positions WHERE casaktualizace > :from AND casaktualizace < :to LIMIT 1000 ALLOW FILTERING;</expression> <result element="status" rowName="sap"> <element column="idsap" name="idSap" xsdType="string"/> <element column="kodslozka" name="kodSlozka" xsdType="string"/> <element column="volaciznak" name="VolaciZnak" xsdType="string"/> <element column="casaktualizace" name="CasAktualizace" xsdType="string"/> <element column="rychlost" name="rychlost" xsdType="string"/> <element column="lat" name="lat" xsdType="string"/> <element column="lon" name="lon" xsdType="string"/> </result> <param name="from" sqlType="INTEGER"/> <param name="to" sqlType="INTEGER"/> </query> <query id="save" useConfig="cassandra"> <expression>INSERT INTO nis.positions (idsap,typsap,kodslozka,volaciznak,casaktualizace,rychlost,lat,lon) VALUES (:idSap,:typSap,:kodSlozka,:volaciZnak,:casAktualizace,:rychlost,:lat,:lon);</expression> <param name="idSap" sqlType="STRING"/> <param name="typSap" sqlType="STRING"/> <param name="kodSlozka" sqlType="STRING"/> <param name="rychlost" sqlType="INTEGER"/> <param name="volaciZnak" sqlType="STRING"/> <param name="casAktualizace" sqlType="INTEGER"/> <param name="lat" sqlType="DOUBLE"/> <param name="lon" sqlType="DOUBLE"/> </query> <operation name="get" returnRequestStatus="true"> <call-query href="read"> <with-param name="from" query-param="from"/> <with-param name="to" query-param="to"/> </call-query> </operation> <operation name="status" returnRequestStatus="true"> <call-query href="status"/> </operation> <operation name="savebatch" returnRequestStatus="true"> <call-query href="save"> <with-param name="idSap" query-param="idSap"/> <with-param name="typSap" query-param="typSap"/> <with-param name="kodSlozka" query-param="kodSlozka"/> <with-param name="rychlost" query-param="rychlost"/> <with-param name="volaciZnak" query-param="volaciZnak"/> <with-param name="casAktualizace" query-param="casAktualizace"/> <with-param name="lat" query-param="lat"/> <with-param name="lon" query-param="lon"/> </call-query> </operation> <resource method="GET" path="/status"> <call-query href="status"/> </resource> <resource method="GET" path="/read"> <call-query href="read"> <with-param name="from" query-param="from"/> <with-param name="to" query-param="to"/> </call-query> </resource> <resource method="POST" path="/"> <call-query href="save"> <with-param name="idSap" query-param="idSap"/> <with-param name="typSap" query-param="typSap"/> <with-param name="kodSlozka" query-param="kodSlozka"/> <with-param name="rychlost" query-param="rychlost"/> <with-param name="volaciZnak" query-param="volaciZnak"/> <with-param name="casAktualizace" query-param="casAktualizace"/> <with-param name="lat" query-param="lat"/> <with-param name="lon" query-param="lon"/> </call-query> </resource> </data>
nodetool tablestats <keyspace.table> SELECT COUNT(1) FROM table;
curl -v -d '<save><idSap>1</idSap><typSap>2</typSap><kodSlozka>3</kodSlozka><rychlost>4</rychlost><volaciZnak>5</volaciZnak><casAktualizace>2017-08-04T17:46:55</casAktualizace><lat>1</lat><lon>2</lon></save>' -H Content-Type:"text/xml" http://endpoint
$ COPY nis.positions (lat, lon) FROM 'positions.csv' WITH DELIMITER='|' AND HEADER=TRUE;
$ COPY nis.positions to 'positions-20170101.csv';